A world leader started on February the 5th 2008 his journey to the other world. I received the Namasté newsletter from the Chopra Center in which it was announced. I felt a deep sadness not exactly knowing why. It was just what I felt. I never met Maharishi personally and I never learned Transcendental Meditation. The Beatles and the Beach Boys were attracted by the peaceful teaching of Maharishi and became devotees. They separated after a while and different "gossip" stories were told about the reasons. I never read even a small phrase by Maharsihi himself about the separation. It might be that he never had a need to "defend" himself since it seems that he never felt "attacked". I smile and know that I still can learn from him being a good example. It is good to learn not to judge and to gossip about others. "Schadenfreude", as defined as the pleasure taken from someone else's misfortune is frequently (or commonly) used by people. I very much like the book and DVD "Messages from Water" by dr. Masaru Emoto. I can highly recommend to read the book and to watch the DVD. "If thoughts can do to water, what can they do to you"?
It is equally important not to feel distracted by the opinions of others. I learned from my own experience that whenever you feel deep inside that your actions are based on respect and love and when you take responsibility for your own feelings and emotions that it is possible to stay connected to your dreams, intentions and the power of creation.
Maharishi lived his last years in the Netherlands, a country from which many spiritual leaders said an still say that the feminine energy is very strongly present, due to the attraction of the Moon. I always liked the idea that Maharishi lived in the country where I was given birth and I many times honored him in silence.
I learned Ayurvedic Massage in the Netherlands thought by Robert Swami Persaud. Walter and I received many opportunities while practising and learning the Ayurvedic concepts and massage techniques, to be aware of the power of compassion and love and being in the “present” by working with people. I am also a Creating Health: Magic of Healing Instructor of the Chopra Center and the knowledge I received from the teachers of the Chopra Center are based on the Ayurvedic Principles. Deepak ones told his audience how he met Maharishi in an Airport, while he was on his way to a medical conference and how this meeting completely changed his live.
I feel grateful for the wonderful stories told by Deepak Chopra and last but not least by my beloved teacher Roger Gabriel (Raghavanand) who always shared his profound wisdom and love. I feel blessed that I met them. I would like to express that all the experiences I had with "my" teachers changed my life as well. Due to Deepak and Raghavanand I met other beautiful people around the world. All these extraordinary people introduced me to other wonderful souls and I now feel connected with many great spirits. I recognize that I observe the world through different eyes. "The world did not change but the observer received new glasses and brand new perspectifs".
I want to share my feelings of deep gratitude for the “teachers” I met and to whom I feel strongly connected. I love them intens for their willingness to share their experiences, wisdom and love. Thank you Maharishi that you brought the richness of Ayurveda to our western world. Thank you for sharing your ideas of health from a holistic perspective with so many people. I will rember you in respect, peace and love. Thank you.
I like to finish this short commemoration with the loving words of my teacher
"Honor your soul’s courage and know the path of the heart is the only path to be in"
I can understand your sadness on hearing this news, and recognize that this is so much like you: pure energy of love for all even the unknown!
Anyway, I do not feel sad as the consistency of this death with the rest of his life (I insist on the REST, as death for me is not opposed to life, it is just the final dot that will make the long sentence of your life such a beautiful, balanced, rythmed one) makes me feel peaceful. No need to persevere in this life if the whole is consistent, if what needed to be done has been done, what needed to be said has been said, who needed to be cared for and loved were cared for and loved.
I have recently watched the wonderful movie from Sean Penn "Into the wild", and unlike many around me, I did not cry at the end: all that needed to be done, realized and understood was. The final dot was just the culmination of a wonderful life experience. May consistency and peace of mind, of heart and of the divine sparkle in all of us, inhabit all who come near death. This is my wish for all of you, all of us, divine and human beings in this world.
Posted by: Emmanuelle M. | 20 February 2008 at 09:43